all postcodes in GU10 / FARNHAM

find any address or company within the GU10 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU10 5AA 7 0 51.233321 -0.814225
GU10 5AB 4 2 51.235127 -0.814305
GU10 5AD 3 0 51.234824 -0.818813
GU10 5AE 2 1 51.23489 -0.821087
GU10 5AF 2 0 51.234374 -0.824294
GU10 5AG 5 0 51.237886 -0.829092
GU10 5AH 2 0 51.236349 -0.830231
GU10 5AJ 5 0 51.235093 -0.827828
GU10 5AL 4 0 51.234792 -0.831016
GU10 5BL 8 0 51.234255 -0.833035
GU10 5AN 2 0 51.235308 -0.83497
GU10 5AP 3 0 51.234977 -0.843117
GU10 5AQ 1 0 51.237065 -0.834381
GU10 5AR 5 0 51.235966 -0.847719
GU10 5AS 13 1 51.237237 -0.838047
GU10 5AU 6 0 51.237319 -0.835438
GU10 5AT 12 0 51.236836 -0.83747
GU10 5AW 20 0 51.234287 -0.843392
GU10 5AX 1 0 51.240423 -0.840072
GU10 5AY 12 0 51.241573 -0.84835